3M™ Process Color 880I Series

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High quality durable inks for screen printing onto 3M reflective sheetings to provide a compatible and durable imaging System. For use with 3M™ Diamond Grade, High Intensity Prismatic and Engineer Grade Sheetings

Fast drying

Easy to apply

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  • High quality durable inks for screen printing onto 3M reflective sheetings to provide a compatible and durable imaging System. For use with 3M™ Diamond Grade, High Intensity Prismatic and Engineer Grade Sheetings
  • Fast drying
  • Easy to apply

Durable, colorfast, rapid dry, transparent screen processing colour (except for black which is opaque) for use in the production of traffic control signs using 3M™ Diamond Grade™ and 3M™ High Intensity Grade Reflective Sheeting as a base.

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Mennyiség (metrikus) 3,785 L
Terméktípus Szitanyomásos tinta, Hígító
Tinta színe Kék, Sárga, Fekete, Piros